Saturday, January 31, 2009

Chemistry reaction

This incident happened in Menado, this girl die suddenly with five of her five senses bleeding, after they investigated this incident, they know that this girl was not dead because of suicide or killed, but because lack of food poison. This girl have a habit, that drink Vitamin C every day. This was not the problem. The problem is that night, that girl ate a lot of shrimp. Actually, if only a shrimp, that isn't a problem, her housemate was ok, when they ate that shrimp, and nobody past away. But, because shrimp contain Arsenic Pentoxide (As2O5), and beside, after she ate the shrimp this girl drink Vitamin c, then.. the chemistry reaction happened in her stomach that turn As2o5 into Arsenic Triox..

i received this email from my friend ^^
hope it's usefull..

Healthy Morning..

this morning, i start my day with cycling down the street

pada dasar nya gue da berencana buat bersepeda dari hari hari sebelum nya, akhir nya, pagi tadi kesampean juga, itu juga gara gara bergadang semalaman, gara gara si rikky nelpon, kekonci dia, ga bisa masuk rumah, wakakaka.. pulang jam 4 dia, lupa bawa konci lage, akher nya, mejeng deh dia di depan rumah, sambil ngobrol semalam suntuk ma gue, wakaka..
bis ngobrol ma dia, gue ganti baju deh yapz..this's my cycling costume for today, hahaha

gue brangkat jam 6, sambil ngayuh speda, sambil denger lagu, jalanan masi gelap, tapi debu da banyak, ya ampoen, salah satu penyebab global warming, pagi pagi buta aja da ada debu.. ya ampiunnn..
dijalan, gue nemu banyak acek ama ai ai lage jalan pagi.. ada yang lage senam.. indah nya dunia, hahahaha...
kira kira da 1 jam, gue balek deh ke rumah.. cuaca juga kurang mendukung seh, da mo ujan..
gue mao beli koran, jadi lupa.. haiz...
akhir nya.. setelah di rumah, gue balek kluar lage, beli sarapan, soal nya ujan nya da berenti..
muter ke pasar cari koran, tapi ga nemu..
apa ble buat.. pulang deh and nikmatin sarapan.. hahahaha...

Friday, January 30, 2009

2009 Cadillac Presidential Limousine

This presidential car will be use when the inauguration of Mr. Obama held on this 20th January . in fact, General Motors has made a few limo, but the exact number haven’t known yet by the public, only a few person of secret service and General Motors that know the specific details of this limo design..

This limo using 6,5 litre diesel engine which, per gallon could take 8mile, which mean, not as efficient as Mr.Obama’s Ford escape hybrid. The Newspaper also estimate that this limo cost almost $460.000

Petrol tank : armour-plated and filled with a specially designed foam prevents it from exploding even if it suffers a direct hit

Rear compartment : seats four passengers with glass partition – only obama has a switch to lower it. Windows larger than on previous presidential cars, panic button installed for obama to summon help

Doors: armour-platted, eight inches thick and the weight of a cabin door on a boeing 757 jet.

Chauffeur : trained by cia to cope in the most demanding of driving conditions

Driver’s window : tough enough to withstand armour piercing bullets. The only window that opens-by just three inches so the driver can pay a toll or talk with secret service agents running alongside

Bodywork : combination of dual hardness steel aluminium titanium and even ceramic to break up possible projectiles

Driver’s compartment : standard steering wheel, but dash board contains a communication center and gps tracking system

Boot : holds oxygen supply and firefighting system

Rear seats : obama’s seat has an executive package featuring a foldaway desktop, laptop, computer with wi-fi state of the art satellite phone and direct line to the vice president and the pentagon
Defence accessories : equipped with night vision cameras and ump action shotguns, also armed with tear gas cannons. Bottles of the president’s blood kept on board in case he needs an emergency transfusion

Chassis : a reinforced five inch steel plate runs under the car for protection in the unlikely event of a bomb being placed underneath
Tyres : Kevlar-reinforced, shred and puncture resistand, with steel rims underneath enabling the car to escape at speed even it tyres are blasted away

Factfile :

Price : £300,000

Length : 18ft

Height : 5ft 10in

Engine 6,5 litre

Diesel engine

Max speed 60mph

0-60mph : 15 secs

Fuel consumption about eight miles to the gallon

Sims 3



  • Windows XP (Service Pack 2)
  • 2.0 GHz P4 processor or equivalent
  • 1 GB RAM
  • At least 6.5 GB of hard drive space with at least 1 GB additional space for custom content
  • 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0


  • Windows Vista (Service Pack 1)
  • 2.4 GHz P4 processor or equivalent
  • 1.5 GB RAM
  • At least 6.5 GB of hard drive space with at least 1 GB additional space for custom content
  • 128 MB Video Card with support for Pixel Shader 2.0

For computers using built-in graphics chipsets, the game requires at least:

  • Intel Integrated Chipset, GMA X3000 or above.
  • 2.6 GHz Pentium D CPU, or 1.8 GHz Core 2 Duo, or equivalent
  • 0.5 GB additional RAM


NVIDIA GeForce series

FX 5900, FX 5950
6200, 6500, 6600, 6800,
7200, 7300, 7600, 7800, 7900, 7950
8400, 8500, 8600, 8800
9600, 9800, GTX 260, GTX 280

ATI Radeon™ series

9500, 9600, 9800
X300, X600, X700, X800, X850
X1300, X1600, X1800, X1900, X1950
2400, 2600, 2900
3450, 3650, 3850, 3870,
4850, 4870

Intel® Extreme Graphics

GMA X3x00 series

Laptop versions of these chipsets may work, but may run comparatively slower. Standalone cards that are installed in vanilla PCI slots (not PCIe or PCIx or AGP), such as some GeForce FX variants, will perform poorly. Intel integrated chipsets featuring underclocked parts will not perform adequately.

Integrated chipsets such as the ATI Xpress and the NVIDIA TurboCache variants will have low settings selected, but should run satisfactorily.

Please note that attempting to play the game using video hardware that isn't listed above may result in reduced performance, graphical issues or cause the game to not run at all.

The NVIDIA GeForce FX series is unsupported under Vista.


aduh, gile..

gue ga sabar bok, nunggu ini sims 3 kapan kluar nya,

i heard that, its gonna be release on 20th Feb 2009.. is it ??

Sissy Hunting

hahaha.. after this few days, finally, back to this bloggie thingie..
see, anyway, first, happy chinese new year to you guys..
wish u all the best in every thingie..

then. u know..
seharian gue nangkring di rumah, dari sore gue ngajakin temen kluar, akher nya, nemu..
felix aswell.. hahahaha...
then, setelah beberapa percakapan, nampak nya dia ga bisa kluar kalo malem, dia mao pigi ke open house gt, di graha..
then, gue nanya si belo, kata nya, dia juga ke open house, barengan ama si felix,
maka, terdampar lah saya di rumah..

usut di usut.. sepakatlah kami, kluar nya habis dari mreka pulang dari open house, kira kira..
jam 9.00 malem.. deal..
nah, mreka nya ngaret stengah jam bok.. untung ada tv yang nemenin gue, stelah mreka datang... akhir nya, kita menuju ke kotanopan, buat makan, sebelum makan,kita ke hongkong plasa doeloe, si felix ama benny mao fifis, hahahaha..
setelah balik, sialan, ga ada meja lage.. damn, akher nya, kita jalan kaki, nyebrang, ke pandu, disana juga ada warung makan gt, hahahaha...


setelah siap makan, kita bingung, mao kemana lage, berhubung, baru jam 10.30 gt an, gue buka suara..
gimana kalo kita ke ismud aja, alias iskandar muda, nyari sepupu loe bedua, alias bencong..

setujulah mreka berdua, lets go... ismud coy, hahaha...
nemu banyak seh.. gila si felix, kan dia nyupir, benny duduk samping nya, masa di buka kaca tempet si benny duduk, gila, ketakutan gue, takut di timpuk batu ama si bencong, kan berabe, trus, muter muter benter, nemu bencong yang cakeb.. kita lewatin dia pelan2, eh, dia nya, hai gt ke kita, melambai2kan tangan nya, kikiki..
untung ga jalan ke tempat kita..
trus, muter sekale lage, ke gajahmada, di daerah kuburan itu, ada si bencong pake baju warna merah, lagi duduk disono.. ya olloh, ngapaen lah dia, duduk di sono, pacaran ama setan apa..
mobil kita deketin itu bencong..
eh sialan, itu bencong malah berdiri, kabur lah kita.. wakakaka....
balek lage ke gang kecil nampak bencong cakeb uamit, kaki nya.. amboooyyyyy.. muke nya, cakeb.. gilak... ya nampak seh, makeup nya tebel..
gue penasaran deh, pengen ngomong ama itu bencong, gagagagaga...

kapan yak ?? huahahaha


Saturday, January 24, 2009

One night before chinese nu year..

hulla amigos..
30 me(sacap me).. emph, like what, one night before christmas, one night before idul fitri, or wad..
so tired again, because, i got no maid in house..
so im the one who should help mommy..
today, i help her cook, fries a lot of thing, hahahaha..
fries the house, wakakaka.. just joking, now its 2.26pm in the afternoon,
get into my room to relax.. just a few minutes again i will go down stairs and wash the dishes again.. hahahaha

and then, after dat.. mommy planning to go to sun plasa, i wanna to buy sumthing, and mommy wanna buy sum chair too.. and daddy ?? i dont know about him.. hahaha

so, tomorrow gonna be chinese happy new year aye ??
yes, it is..
time to mine a lot of red pocket.. hahaha...
hope for it, hahahahahahahaha

and.. oh yah..
this morning, i got a message from my.. emph.. friend.. who i love so.. is it ?? hell no.. just kidding, hohoho.. he said, like emph.. happy chinese nu year, gimme red pocket, sumthing like dat.. we used to text each other at dat time, share about our daily life.. wad a fun time, hahaha
its been a long time since the last time he text me.. i miss him a lot actually..
i used to like him that time.. but now ??
emph, i think, that feeling already gone..
may be a little... hahahaha..
so hiperbola, hahahaha....

so.. wad am i gonna do rite now ?? hmph.. let me think..
may be, its my time to turn into maid again.. wash dishes!!

gotta go amigos..

Tilang Menilang, hahaha...

ok, i recieved this email, from my friend, vitria hengko..


Hai temen- Temen semoga bermanfaat :
Beberapa waktu yang lalu sekembalinya berbelanja kebutuhan, saya sekeluarga pulang dengan menggunakan taksi. Ada adegan yang
menarik ketika saya menumpang taksi tersebut, yaitu ketika sopir taksi hendak ditilang oleh polisi. Sempat teringat oleh saya
dialog antara polisi dan sopir taksi.
Polisi (P) : Selamat siang mas, bisa lihat Sim dan STNK?
Sopir ( Sop ) : Baik Pak?
P : Mas tau..kesalahannya apa?
Sop : Gak pak
P : Ini nomor polisinya gak seperti seharusnya (sambil nunjuk ke plat nomor taksi yg memang gak standar) sambil langsung
mengeluarkan jurus sakti mengambil buku tilang?lalu menulis dengan sigap
Sop : Pak jangan ditilang deh? wong plat aslinya udah gak tau ilang kemana? kalo ada pasti saya pasang
P : Sudah?saya tilang saja?kamu tau gak banyak mobil curian sekarang? (dengan nada keras !! )
Sop : (Dengan nada keras juga ) Kok gitu! taksi saya kan Ada STNK nya pak , ini kan bukan mobil curian!
P : Kamu itu kalo di bilangin kok ngotot (dengan nada lebih tegas) kamu terima aja surat tilangnya
(sambil menyodorkan surat tilang warna MERAH)
Sop : Maaf pak saya gak mau yang warna MERAH suratnya?Saya mau yg warna BIRU aja
P : Hey! (dengan nada tinggi) kamu tahu gak sudah 10 Hari ini form biru itu gak berlaku!
Sop : Sejak kapan pak form BIRU surat tilang gak berlaku?
P : Inikan dalam rangka OPERASI, kamu itu gak boleh minta form BIRU? Dulu kamu bisa minta form BIRU? tapi sekarang ini kamu Gak

bisa? Kalo kamu gak kamu ngomong sama komandan saya (dengan nada keras dan ngotot)

Sop : Baik pak, kita ke komandan bapak aja sekalian (dengan nada nantangin tuh polisi)
Dalam hati saya? berani betul sopir taksi ini ?
P : (Dengan muka bingung) Kamu ini melawan petugas!?
Sop : Siapa yg melawan!? Saya kan cuman minta form BIRU? Bapak kan yang gak mau ngasih
P : Kamu jangan macam-macam yah? saya bisa kenakan pasal melawan petugas!
Sop : Saya gak melawan!? Kenapa bapak bilang form BIRU udah gak berlaku? Gini aja pak saya foto bapak aja deh? kan bapak yg bilang

form BIRU gak berlaku (sambil ngambil HP)

Wah ? wah hebat betul nih sopir ?. berani, cerdas dan trendy ? (terbukti dia mengeluarkan hpnya yang ada berkamera.
P : Hey! Kamu bukan wartawankan! ? Kalo kamu foto saya, saya bisa kandangin (sambil berlalu)
Kemudian si sopir taksi itupun mengejar itu polisi dan sudah siap melepaskan ?shoot pertama? (tiba-tiba dihalau oleh seorang anggota polisi lagi )
P 2 : Mas, anda gak bisa foto petugas sepeti itu
Sop : Si bapak itu yg bilang form BIRU gak bisa dikasih (sambil tunjuk polisi yg menilangnya)
lalu si polisi ke 2 itu menghampiri polisi yang menilang tadi, ada pembicaraan singkat terjadi antara polisi yang menghalau si sopir
dan polisi yang menilang. Akhirnya polisi yg menghalau tadi menghampiri si sopir taksi
P 2 : Mas mana surat tilang yang merah nya? (sambil meminta)
Sop: Gak sama saya pak?. Masih sama temen bapak tuh (polisi ke 2 memanggil polisi yang menilang)
P : Sini tak kasih surat yang biru (dengan nada kesal)
Lalu polisi yang nilang tadi menulis nominal denda sebesar Rp..30.600 sambil berkata ?nih kamu bayar sekarang ke BRI ? lalu
kamu ambil lagi SIM kamu disini, saya tunggu?..
Sop : (Yes!!) Ok pak ..gitu dong kalo gini dari tadi kan enak?
Kemudian si sopir taksi segera menjalnkan kembali taksinya sambil berkata pada saya, Pak .. maaf kita ke ATM sebentar ya ...
Mau transfer uang tilang . Saya berkata ya silakan.
Sopir taksipun langsung ke ATM sambil berkata, ? ?Hatiku senang banget pak, walaupun di tilang, bisa ngasih pelajaran berharga ke
polisi itu.? ?Untung saya paham macam2 surat tilang.?
Tambahnya, ?Pak kalo ditilang kita berhak minta form Biru, gak perlu nunggu 2 minggu untuk sidang Jangan pernah pikir mau ngasih
DUIT DAMAI?. Mending bayar mahal ke negara sekalian daripada buat oknum!?
Dari obrolan dengan sopir taksi tersebut dapat saya infokan ke Anda sebagai berikut:
berarti kita menyangkal kalau melanggar aturan Dan mau membela diri secara hukum (ikut sidang) di pengadilan setempat.
itupun di pengadilan nanti masih banyak calo, antrian panjang, Dan oknum pengadilan yang melakukan pungutan liar berupa pembengkakan
nilai tilai tilang... Kalau kita tidak mengikuti sidang, dokumen tilang dititipkan di kejaksaan setempat, disinipun banyak calo dan oknum
kejaksaan yang melakukan pungutan liar berupa pembengkakan nilai tilang..
berarti kita mengakui kesalahan kita dan bersedia membayar denda.
Kita tinggal transfer dana via ATM ke nomer rekening tertentu (kalo gak salah norek Bank BUMN).
Sesudah itu kita tinggal bawa bukti transfer untuk di tukar dengan SIM/STNK kita di kapolsek terdekat dimana kita ditilang.
You know what!? Denda yang tercantum dalam KUHP Pengguna Jalan Raya tidak melebihi 50ribu! dan dananya RESMI MASUK KE KAS NEGARA.


pelanggaran rambu2 lalu lintas (PASAL 61) TITIPAN TILANG TARIF 30.000

untuk tarif tilang selengkapnya.. liat di

cerita nya sedikit lucu sih, but.. worth it.. hoho..

day of...

aku capek..
aku capek..
dan capek..

today, no..

hmph.. 24th of jan..
we celebrated theresia's belated birthday,
i got no picture of this party, though..
kita ngerayain nya dimana yah..
oh, di gardenia.. i love the lasagna.. hahaha...
then, i met my oldies friend, that rikky linanto guy, uh..
he was cute, hahahahaha

no no no.. he was my friend, hahahaha...
then, i arrived at home at, emph, around 11pm i think...
daddy wasnt home, when i called him, he said that, he was at belawan,
working i thought..

and, once again..
im tired!!!

btw, almost chinese new year, hahahahaha

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Coffin..

run away vacation, though..
having fun with my class mate.. playing with
hardy, rin rin, achop, ahuank, kamal, ahot..
all of them are just crazy, insane.. got no rules.. hahaha..

hardy brought stick candy and brownies..
the candy taste awesome, but i dont know about the brownies,
ahot said that, the brownies was good..
i think so.. haha

stick candy and brownies..

and then, hardy brought that mickey hand u know.. i got the picture.. hahaha
let we see...
its me, wearing that mickey's hand.. hahaha

and im so hungry rite now.. can't find sumthing to fill my stomach.. haiz..


u know, im a lil bit jealous when he said that "Asiik" in the same time, my friend just show up.. i know, thats why he said "Asiik..

but.. just let it go.. its not really important, though...

ok, i wanna share sum story, ugh.. its make me kinda angry.. but..
just let it go again..

nah, u know that alfian gani thingie ?? that stupid chairman ??
he is not really stupid, but.. in the other side, he is such an asshole...
u know, he is such a big liar.. he told anthony that mr.j had talk to my friend pus, but, the fact is, he isnt..
and then, he denying that, he didnt told anthony, that mr.j will take pus's position as dat ketua dokumentasi..
he act like a fool, when we are arguing about that thing..
and then, he said that, im sorry if i said sumthing like dat..
i dont know how come, he could reach that chairman position.. infact, the real thing is, the one who should be the chairman is harmen reza..

i dont care if u read this blog.. who cares ?? nobody, and u know.. i think, u should, build ur house using a damn big mirror, why ?? because u need it a lot...


meanwhile, i heard that kc, tata, pinpin, and the other da pulang ke medan lo.. hahahaha.. welcome back to medan dude..
and i heard that, vicky cried ?? is it ?? vick ?? hahaha...

pasti kc meluk loe, trus loe nangis kan ?? hahahaha.....

ok then.. c'y guys later..

the coffin need another body as sacrifice..
miss u guys, hope this friendship will last 4ever..

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Lesbos Thingie..

"the L word"

euw, baru aja siap nonton "the
L word" season 1.. and u know??
btw, anyone watch "the
L word" ??
bette just such a bitch, she cheating on tina..and bette hook up with that candece or what, and she is a carpenter.. cool..
btw, im straight, though.. hahaha...
consider if u r tina, and ur boyfriend is bette, how brokenheart will u, if u saw u boyfriend cheating with another boy ?? hahahaha.. so ur boy must be a gay, aye ?? hahaha...


bette and tina



anyway.. we'll talk about "the
L word" later..
now, its been 1:48am already..

u know, just now, my friend, vck asked me..
"loe ada feeling ga ama si *** ??"
and, she's kinda curious u know.. so, im letting her to falling into her curiousity.. argh.. so, lebay.. wakakaka... ^^
nb: mi amas vin

anyway again.. im so tired today, and im kinda upset with my friend.. heeh.. whats going on with her ??
and arif, i hate u today, u
"klitik2" me today!!! grrr...
andi to.. arghhhh.. go to hell both of you!!!
hahaha.. argh.. but, both of you r just sum of crazy friend i ever got.. who are just always kind to me.. wad ?? no!!!
iche, please, dont tell a lie to ur self, both of them such a bastard!! hahahaha..

peace di, peace rif.. wakaka

anyway, i think..
its time to sleep already..


having fun for this few month, and u'll face the real world soon, after u graduate from ur high school... argh... i hate this feeling!!!!

-Big Boss 4ever aye-

*nite amigos..

Daily News : Quarrel

bangun pagi, mandi, ke skolah..
nyampe skolah maen othelo bareng hardy, shit.. im lose..
he just such an expert.. argghhhh

heeh, afterdat.. like usual..
setelah les lonceng maen ke-1 gue cabut deh dari kelas, menuju ke...
ke kantor kepsek.. sarang osis, hahahaha

tau ga seh, capek lah bikin bagan2 buat pertandingan voli gue.. haiz..

nah, ne chart buat bag putri deh..yang ini kan item, kalo yang cow putih.. hahaha..

skarang chart nya udah di tempel ke mading.. hohohoho..

then, loe tao ga seh, setelah lonceng maen2, datang lah "alfian gani" dia suruh si lebay cetakkan pengumuman selamat buat si Mr. J yang da menang lomba fotografi di acara pop mie gt de kalo tak salah.. hmph, akher nya juga dia yang cetak sndiri seh..
then, after dia da mao balek ke kelas nya gt..
then, the quarrel begin.. shit, dia mendramatisir segala sesuatu tau ga seh.. bingung gue...
pake ga mao ngaku lage kalo dia suruh A.S bilang ke puz kalo jabatan ketua dokumentasi nya mao di ganti ama Mr. J.. Wad an asshole..
masalah nya dia itu ga bisa nyadar2 lo!! heeh..
ya sutrah lah.. after dat, temen2 datang deh.. akher nya, gue sambung lage bikin chart gue.. then, i feel bored..
ok, stop gossiping, hahaha..


*sesi foto-foto

aduh, foto nya kekecilan yah.. ya sutrah lah.. tak mengapa.. hoho..


yah,finally, go home..
then, i start to type this blogging thingie..
and then, ngantuk rasa nya mata ini..
so, i try to sleep, yapz.. and i fall asleep..
then, bangun2 da jam 8, hahaha, dari jam 4 bobo ampe jam 8 gt, wakaka...
u know, gue dinner jam rapa ??
jawaban nya adalah... jam 10 pm..
lebaaaayyyyy.. hohohoh..
yapz.. time to take a rest..


Sunday, January 18, 2009

Blogging thingie..

Yapz.. here we are..
akhir nya.. sesuai dengan saran temen gue..
dia bilang "paen loe pasang net, habisin duid aja,
maen blog dunk, blog itu nambah pengetahuan" gt lah kira kira inti nya.. hahaha..
nah, skarang gue maen blog deh..
phiw.. ok, skip..
Udah mao jam 4 pagi, and i'm still awake.. ugh.. what the Heck, am i doing this late ??
yeah, im watching The L word that, emph.. lesbian stuff movie, though..

"The L Word" season 1 and 2

nah, gue nemu ini dua season di rumah ahot.. thanx hot, da di pinjemin, hoho..
film nya rada vulgar seh.. cuma, kalo diliad dari segi lain, film ini nunjukin dunia lesbian itu gimana loh.. over all.. gue suka ini film.. ^^

***There's only one thing that cuts across all our realities, it's love.. The Bridge between all our differences"***
