Thursday, April 30, 2009

Happy B'day Hot

So.. after a few weeks ?? errr..
let's see..
first.. happy birthday to Marihot Lim, my lovely friend..
who celebrated his bday party at Taipan..
thanx for the invitation dude..


a simple gift dat i made for ahot.. but, i made only the box that shape triangle and those ribbon.. hahaha..
and of course i bought that greeting card.. hahahaha..
and what that box contain inside ?? ah.. just a little simple gift.. :D i dont

and that is my gift for ahot and a cake from the other.. hoho

and, this is me.. with the birthday guy, he said that he feels curious about my gift.. hahahaha.. :p

oh ya, today i met kekel bo too.. hahaha..
makin kurang ajar yah ini anak, udah mulae beraniiiii!!!!
tapi, yah.. he still the chubiest one lah.. wakaka

so, think..
need to go to bed..

oh ya.. i think, i will go to NSU (North Sumatra University) hahaha.. no more Lim Kok Wing or any other wing wing wing anymore.. maybe i'll take the International RelationShip major.. could i ??
let's see

so.. ciao
sumimasen :D

Monday, April 20, 2009

Global Warming Attacking Us

Hey yo guys..
tau ga sih, akhir akhir ini medan terasa begitu panas
sangking panas nya mao ngapa-ngapaen juga jadi nya SUPER males gt
mao kluar males, mao belajar males, mao apa apa juga males deee
mandi pun males juga a, why ?? because the water feels hot on my skin.. any its feels ahh...
so sucks!!
ampe mao yang namanya mandi juga MALEEEESSSSS...
kok bisa jadi gt ??
kalo buat gue personally
maybe gara gara yang nama nya GLOBAL WARMING kali yah
you know ?? yah, because of this earth isnt balance anymore
the ice at the pole side already melting every year even it is not so fast
but, you see, if every each day the ice keep melting..
the volume of the see water ofcourse will increase too..
and sometime, if you think logically, if the see water keep increasing every each day
then, what will happen with the tiny little island ??
yeah.. i think tt will disappear.. is it ?? or am i wrong ??
and, if the ice keep melting ??
consider, after emph, maybe how many years.. i dont know.. err..
how about, because of the there will be a HOOOTTTTT POLEEEEEE.. where no more pinguins, seadogs, sea lions, or other animal who used to live there..
so, thats just a micro example of globall warming "MUCH" more y know
like that a..
emph, flood.. tsunami?? what else ?? a lot lot lot lot moooreeeeeeee
haisss... too hot already laa.. and i HAAATTEEEEEEEEEE hot..
damn hate it..

hot hater =p

National Exam

Ah, hulla guys..
just wake up because someone hit my room's door badly like calling my name..
a lil bit shock, wakaka..

anyway, today is our first day of national exam rite
then, yah..
sejauh iniiiiiii.....

hahaha, guru nya ok sih, nampak nya galak..
untung aja kaga... theeennn...
kek nya, jawaban orang 1 kelas,
sama deeeeee... hahahaha..
tau tau sendiri lah itu kok bisa sama,wakaka

anyway, its a secret okeeeee :p

da ah, laper aku, cari pengganjal perut doeloe.. deeeee

Friday, April 17, 2009

Oh Movieeeeee..

u know ??this movie, da dua tahun ini film ada, tapi baru tahun ini di tayangkan di bioskop medan..
nah, tadi gue, bebet, desc, puz, aben, jojo, vivi, sese pigi nonton lo, film jam 9.30 malem gt, kluar nya jam 11 lewat gt deh..
kita ketemu orang ahot disana, ada sg, hardy, arif, swandy, kek nya da cocok yah ?? ato ada yang kurang ?? pas deh.. hahaha
ini film, bikin aku deg deg an nonton nya, emank sih, tiap x bunuh bunuh orang terus, cuma efek suara nya itu looooo.. grrr
trus, si aben kan duduk disamping ku, aku di kagetin 3 x ama dia, datang sebelah ku satu lage si desc, tangan nya jadi korban penutup mataku, hahaha..
si bebet lo, dudul, beli pun film gini, grrrr...
anyway, so tired already, got 2 sleep lah..

nitez u guys..

Kenakalan murid jaman sekarang

yah, today is friday
i am today
i am friday
and friday is me ??
what the heck ???

ah, forget it..
tadi kita da siap ujian sems 2
then, this monday,
senin ini gt lo
udah ujian uan lo
dan, senin depan nya lage, kita udah ujian uas lage..

nah, neh, gue mao crita deh..
hahaha, hari ini kan kita ujian geo gt..
jadi smalam pada sibuk copy soal soal geo buat di pelajarin di rumah, nah, gue salah satu nya
tempat fotokopi nya rameeee amet
ampe nunggu stengah jam lebeh demi sebuah fotokopian
nah, ampe rumah, apa yang terjadi ??
ternyata, fotokopian nya itu cuma jadi pajangan
keesokan hari nya, pergilah saya ke skolah dengan amat sangat santai
sambil bertanya dengan temen sekelas sah
eh, da bisa lom ?? tar ajarin yah.. (hahaha)
katanya, ga bisaaaa
smua pada ga bisa
gue rasa pada pasrah kale ya, soal nya, dari sma 1 udah ga blajar geo gt, tiba tiba ini
gara gara uan ada geo, kita jadi disuruh ikut blajar geografi yang bahasa nya macam bahasa planet itu..
so, jadi..
neh da lonceng lah ya crita nya, trus orang yang duduk paling depan itu masuk kedalam kelas, bilang, mr.w*** mr.w*** gt..
nah, smua pada ketawa lah, enak neh bisa nyontek..
hahahaha, astaga...
alhasil guru nya datang gt, trus bagi bagi kertas ljk nya, sambil nunggu soal nya datang ya kita
sambil liat liat kertas kopian geonya lage gt.. ai pang sai baru lai oek khang
akhernya soal nya datang lah..
awal nya smua manis manis lo ngerjain nya
ujung nya, muka setan nya kluar mua..

sst sst sst..
ehm ehm
uhuuuk uhuuukkk

nah, ne ada denah nya d.. hahahaha

nampak kan ?? harus nampak lah..
nah, begini kasusnya..
itu gue di paling tengah kan gue type a kan
nah, itu yang tulisan nya warna merah itu anak anak social
yang warna ijo biru ato apa gt, itu anak alam gt, hahaha
so, nah, berhubung gue type a, loe liad deh, yang setype ama gue rapa orang ??
4 bok, liad d, tempat duduk gue strategis gt..
kalo gue mao jb dari 9a, ya dari sblm ujian mulae gue da bilang sih ama dia, tar kalo da siap angkat aja ljk loe.. gt
ya dia nya ok ok aja..
nah, kalo gue mao jb dari 19a tinggal balek blakang sikit, trus kluarin keahlian monyet lo, ckakaka.. tao lah, tangan loe nunjuk2in angka angka rapa gt, tar dia kasih tau deh jb nya
kalo dia jari nya nunjukin angka 1, arti nya a, kalo 2 ya b, kalo 3 ya c, kalo 4 ya d, kalo 5 ya e..
gitu sih, system kasih jawaban kalo dengan cara nanya nanya gt, hahaha..
jadi, loe tao ga seh..

tadi, walaopon duduk nya ujung ke ujung slalu aja ada cara buat nanya

kek 1a ama 25a deh contoh nya, gila, kontak batin nya ngeri amet, hahaha
1a minta jb ama 25a gt gt juga deh sebalik nya,

trus kek 14b ama 4b nah, mreka kan dihadang ama 9a gt, mao nanya juga susah, jadi
15a ama 5a itu jadi perantara mreka, hahaha
tar si 14b bilang ke 15a jb nya, si 15a kasih tau ke 5a, trus 5a kasih tau ke 4b, hahahaha..
ngerti ga ?? kalo ga ngerti naseb de,, hahaha

trus, kalo si 9a mao tanya jb ama 10b, nah
gimana dunk ini cara nya ??mreka kan beda type, pasti soal nya diacak acak dunk
dimana ada kemauan, disitu bermunculan berbagai jalan, hahahaha
gini de.. si 9a nulis soal nya di bag yang agak kosong dengan tulisan yang agak besar gt, trus, tar di sodorin agak ke tempat 10b, nah, si 10b liad, kalo da kebaca, si 10b liad kertas soal nya sendiri, trus tar di liad, oh, ini.. dikasih deh jb nya, gt.. hahahaha

nah, kalo si 7a ?? aduh, pemaksa buanget, gile, gue lage ngerjaen ampe stengah udah dikejar kejar, minta jban, apa ga bisa sabar benter gt, nyebelin amet, huuh

trus, si 2b nanya ke 14b gt, nah, bagaimana cara nya ??
si 8b jadi perantara nya lo.. si 2b bilang soal nya ke 8b jadi, si 8b bilang ke 14b, trus, 14b blg jb nya ke 8b, jadi 8b mah bilang ke 2b lo, hahaha

nah, kalo 11a mao jb dari 15a ??
kertas lah jadi solusi nya, si 15a tulisin jb nya di kertas mini gt, trus, di lipat lipat, nunggu guru nya tah ngapaen, lempar deh..

nah, itu buat ujian yang ipa ama ips nya beda lo

bagaimana kalo subject ujian ipa ama ips sama ??
seperti... ?? ppkn ?? b.indonesia ??

nah, ini lebeh parah lage.. hahahaha.. tinggal tanya yang setype aja, tinggal tanya denk, pasti di jb, asal loe yakin aja ama jb nya, bener ya naseb, salah ya apa ble buat.. hahaha..
kek ujian apa yah, oh, ujian b.indo yah..

gue minta jb dari 15a deh, soal nya b.indo musingin seh... fiuh, jadi kertas juga deh, jadi solusi nya, dia tulisin di secarik kertas mini gt, da gt, di lemparin ke tempat gue deh.. kalo ga tepet ??
alias jatuh kelantai dan agak jauh ??
pensil atao penghapus lah jadi solusi nya, pura pura nyenggol penghapus lu ketempat kertas tersebut berada, lalu, ambe deh..

gt lah, kehidupan murid sma pas lage nyontek gt, hahahaha...
dan jangan salah, bukan nya guru mu tak tau, tapi mreka tau, cuma tak mao di perpanjang masalah nya, kalo mao, itu 1 kelas bisa di di batalin kertas ujian nya, huahaha

ada juga yang kelas nya ga seberuntung kelas gt, ketemu pengawas yang killer, duer, tak bisa berkutik deh, jangan kan lirik kiri kanan, mao ngeluarin suara aja segan, huahahaha

yak, sekian, cerita ku hari ini, cerita tentang kenakalan kami kami sebagai murid yang akan sgera tamat ini.. ah..


akhir kata, saya ucapkan terima kasih,
dan kalo anda pusing membaca nya,
maafkan lah daku yang tak pintar dalam bercerita ini, hahahaha

adios guys..

nb: ljk itu lembar jawaban komputer

Friday, April 10, 2009

Just another boring day..

hi fellas, howdy ??
talking about another boring day..
hey guys
tell you what hah!

ah, the thing that i hate the most this lately is "my exam"
but this is the second thing
the first thing is "i cannot lose my weight, and my face just getting chubby and chubby, and i cant see any sharp chin in the mirror anymore, what i can see, is only fat and fat"
so, what am i gonna do ?? diet ??
oh crap, this is the hardest thing to do you know..
its killing me!! not really actually, haha..

and, you know what..
last night, me and my friends had this bbq thingie in my friend's house..
and guess what ?? ofcourse we ate a lot..
and holly crap, im starting to scared that i cant lose another two kg, but gain alot of kg..
sad but, its true..

so, lets start thinking about diet..
hahaha ^^

Friday, April 3, 2009

The Last Day..

BigBoss The last day

Another day has past..
and, this is our last to play at class..
they cry, they scream, they laugh, they talk, everything..

so, check it out today's pictures..


this is, today's board..

and, this is, today's pictures :D

me with devi, si pony ayusita, hahaha

ah, and this is arif, absolutely with me again, hahaha.. he is another crazy man in my class.. hahaha

and, this is hardy with me again, hahaha.. i always borrow his psp to play patapon and chocobo dungeon.. hahaha.. thanx dude..

and, this is swandy, they called him, mr ustad, hahahaha

oh ya, this is, harmen, he is.. emph, the 1st chairman i think.. i took this picture when, i went to the adm room, to paste some picture into my flashdisk

then, i found this emph trophy ?? hahaha.. so i took some picture with it too.. hahaha
you know, this is our school =)
with opung la.. because, he found out andy, took some picture of me, so i must "pura pura" and took some picture with him too..
while, waiting vck.. i took this security's picture.. hahaha

and, this is, me, andy, and vck.. we took a picture at this.. emph.. what.. emph.. ah, i dont know, hahaha

ah, look carefully lah.. foto nya beda beda lo, ada 36 gaya.. hahaha

ah, this is where we usually "upacara bendera"

and, this is ciau ge with me.. he is crazy though..
and, this is ahot and crazy hardy, wakaka

oh ya, waktu jam skolah usai.. neh, smua anak anak ips, jerit jerit di balkon.. hahahaha.. keren deh.. wakakaka so kompak rasa nya, hahaha

then, kita kita yang lom pulang.. took some picture again..

"happy bigboss"


tar tanggal 7 udah ujian, phew, ujian mate lage. aduh.. stress bookk...
anyway.. hari ini, nangis nya ga ngeri ngeri amet deh.. gue nangis dua ronde gitu..
1 gara gara di salamin ma aseng, 1 lage, gara gara baca diary ahot yang ditulis ama biebie..
so touching a.. hahaha =)

sign out doeloe..


Thursday, April 2, 2009

One day left..

Tomorrow is our last day to enjoy to feel and to share the class's atmosphere
so, today we wrote a lof of thing on the white board, wanna see ?? check it out.. :D

can you read it ?? hahaha
then, behind this white board u can find out this words..

beginilah anak ips yang suka mencoret coret dinding sebagai tanda kenangan.. hahaha

you know who is this guy ?? he is antonny tan, rin rin is little brother who always come to our class when he want to skip his own class.. haha

and, this is marihot lim and rin rin and me.. they are one of my pals.. hahaha

and this is, you know, emph.. handy sunandi and his girlfriend, she is the treasure in our class.. handy, emph.. komeng i mean.. he is my classmate for over 15 years sumthing like that, we have been together since kindergarden until now that we're going to graduate soon..

and this beautifull girl beside me, she is rin rin, my seatmate for over 3 years since senior highschool first year, until today and until tomorrow she will be my seatmate, after tomorrow.. a a a.. she wont sit with me together in the class anymore..

this is mr.ponirin and me, our form teacher, its been two years since he teach us and as our form teacher..

ah, this one is andy sumarlin.. my class monitor, and me ?? his vice class monitor, hahaha

hahaha, that all for today class picture.. tomorrow, i'll upload another one..


this evening ?? evening or afternoon a ?? whatever..

i went to sutomo school at thamrin, cause it will be my last day to meet my brownies, so
i took some picture of him..
but, im not going to upload it, why ?? ah.. no need to know the reason la.. hahaha

and you know, he got a friend who name livio handi.. and he just like the cutest and sweetest guy there.. ok, his skin colour emph, dark..
and, he is kinda short.. but, his face, oh gosh.. so cuteee..
and his nose, so sharp.. hahaha..

and, oh yah

tonight i went to petisah to have my dinner,

then, this little cat show up..

i pet him, start from our order come, until we finish our dinner..

then, we went to sun.. and
i bought, this donnuts thing, hahaha.. actually, i bought the baby donnuts too..
no picture for thise one.. too lazy to upload it, hahahaha

so, that's all for today's blog, im gonna sleep cause my mommy already scream and shout..
cheeeeeeeeeeeeeee, ane am liao, kok mai khun ai co hamik hah ??????


adios friend..

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


ah, nah.. gue da inget neh..
mao nulis apa aja..
jadi mah gue kembali..
game ps1 gue, udah gue tinggalin, gara gara ini bisa ol..
ne juga lage nyari itu, emulator yang baru, soal nya ini emulator ps1 yang tah gue dapat dari sapa aneh gt..

nah, loe tao ga seh..
gue skolah tinggal 3 hari lage..
like my friend said..
friendship which turned into friendshit ??
a a a..
is it ??
tak tau juga lah ya..
aku juga bingung..

smalam, mreka makan bersama, aku nya tak ikut leh..
gara gara di suruh mama pulang cepet cepet..
ah, ya sudah la, apa ble buat

selain itu, aku juga senang, kenapa ??
soal nya bisa maen chocobo dungeon 2 lage.. ya itu di laptop sayah ini..
pake emulator, game ps1 fave gue..

then, sbener nya, gue juga da pengen ganti layout, cuma..
bingung deh..

mao ganti font apa..
pengen nya ada yang aneh aneh gt.. a lil bit rock, then, what ?? dark.. sweet..
loe kira coklat apa, dark, sweet lage.. ckakakaka

trus, apa lage yah..
sialan, gue nunggu sims3 kaga nongol nongol..
taek kebo ah..

sbener nya, gue pengen upload banyak foto neh..
cuma berhubung ga sempat resize.. dan laen sebagai nya, tah la..
tar aje..

baca aja ini tulisan yang bikin mata loe juling sebelah..

ah, gue cabut doeloe, tar kalo gue kipikiran lage apa yang mao gue tulis, gue nongol lage dah...

adios darlin

April Mop

arghhhhh.. thanx god.. oh gosh.. you know..

hari ini, im2 ku tak ngadat, tah ada keajaiban darimana gt, tiba tiba bisa maeeeennnn... arggghhhhh
ya ampun, senang nya aku.. gilaaaaaaa

kupuas puaskan download barang barang yang kumao..
dari ps emulator yang ku mao sampe bla bla bla.. huahahaha
kek nya gue bakal mangkal berjam jam neh di depan pc

oh ya, tao ga seeiiihhh...
kunci kesayangan ku da kembali, memank si bebet dudull..
ternyata nyelip di kolong jok mobil nya, huahaha...


and.. what again ??
aduh, sangking senang nya, aku jadi bingung mao nulis apa..

ya da deh.. da dulu..
moga moga selanjut selanjut nya, kaga ngadat lage.. hahaha
keh keh keh ??

adios darlin'